We want to invite you to participate in this ministry through making a one time or recurring donation in the amount that you feel God has called you to give.
Please make cheques payable to:
Jeannette Lake Camping Association
830 Kloppenburg Court, Saskatoon, SK. S7W 0P3
If you prefer to donate via E-transfer, send the payment to:
Please include your name and address for tax purposes!

Expanding the Kingdom of God one camper at a time is the mission that drives us forward. For over 50 years our vision of strong, faith-filled campers and their families has inspired us to donate our time, our energy, and our money to the Camp Oshkidee Ministry.
As a non-profit charitable organization our volunteer Board of Directors and camp committee members take seriously the responsibilities that come with operating and stewarding this Ministry and the many financial challenges it faces.
For many years we have managed to raise half of our annual income from camper registrations and lease group revenue. Leaving us with a large remaining balance still needed to cover our costs.
Camp Oshkidee urgently needs your financial help to solve some very big problems that are essential for the Ministry to continue.
Each year the Board allocates approximately 20% of the annual budget towards maintenance and repairs. Unplanned costs such as the new Chalet HVAC system and the side-lining of both of our ski boats has placed considerable strain on the ministries finances. The reality is that without many of these repairs and replacements the Oshkidee ministry will not survive, let alone thrive.
Our needs commend us to God. HE is our provider. And HE provides for Oshkidee through the faithful generosity and support of donors like YOU.
As a registered, nonprofit charitable organization all donations to Camp Oshkidee are eligible for a tax credit. We ask that you prayerfully consider becoming a monthly financial ministry sponsor, or making a special donation to Camp Oshkidee before year end.
Blessings on you!
A few years ago our Lodge heating system failed resulting in serious damage. As a result our lower level sleeping quarters are without the heat that is needed for our spring, fall, and winter programs. After much research the Board’s Facility committee has found a solution that would allow us to use the existing boiler system to bring heat back into the lower level accommodations. It is essential that we get heat into the lower lodge in time for our upcoming winter programs and lease groups.
This past summer we discovered that our Chalet HVAC system had cracked heat exchangers which meant that carbon monoxide could be released into the building. The Board immediately took action to replace the large external air handling unit and three furnaces, along with installing air conditioning in the Chalet kitchen.
Our 50+ year old facility is in need of ongoing upgrades. New windows and doors on the buildings are essential to improving the functionality and energy efficiency - along with the aesthetics - of the buildings.
Over the past year, our sewer/septic system has experienced increasing issues, with each incident becoming more severe. Our maintenance team is currently working diligently to assess the situation and determine the best course of action for a long-term solution. Projected costs for repairs are still being developed, but addressing this issue is a top priority to ensure continued operations and avoid further complications.
Join us for a Serve Weekend!
Serve Weekends at Oshkidee are an opportunity to give back to the ministry through the donation of your time, energy and skills!
Every May and September long weekend we invite the camp community to join us at the lake for a weekend of maintenance, organization + repairs to ensure that our facility is prepped and ready for another season of ministry.
There is no charge for attending a Serve Weekend; your meals + accommodations are complementary and your children are welcome to join you for this opportunity to serve and grow together!

“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to contain it.”