STAFF FEEDBACK Name First Name Last Name Phone (###) ### #### Email WEEK OF CAMP SERVED * WEEK A | July 7 - 13 WEEK B | July 14 - 20 WEEK C | July 21 - 27 WEEK D | July 28 - August 3 WEEK E | August 4 - 10 STAFF ROLE * Site Manager Food Services Manager Director Speaker Youth Worker Children's Worker WAS THIS YOUR FIRST TIME SERVING AT CAMP? * Yes No DO YOU FEEL THAT YOU WERE SUFFICIENTLY TRAINED AND PREPARED TO SERVE IN YOUR ROLE? * Yes No WHAT DO YOU FEEL COULD HAVE BEEN DONE DIFFERENTLY IF ANYTHING, TO BETTER PREPARE YOU? * WHAT WERE SOME AREAS OF STRENGTH YOU MAY HAVE RECOGNIZED IN YOURSELF AS YOU SERVED IN THE ROLE? * WHAT WERE SOME AREAS OF WEAKNESS YOU MAY HAVE RECOGNIZED IN YOURSELF AS YOU SERVED IN THE ROLE? * WHAT REFINEMENTS MIGHT YOU IMPLEMENT IF YOU WERE TO SERVE AGAIN IN THE SAME ROLE? * PLEASE INDICATE ALL ROLES IN WHICH YOU WOULD BE WILLING TO SERVE IN THE FUTURE: * Site Manager Food Services Manager Director Speaker Youth Worker Children's Worker WHO MIGHT YOU RECOMMEND TO SERVE AT FAMILY CAMP IN THE FUTURE, AND IN WHAT ROLE? * HOW DID YOUR TEAM OF STAFF WORK TOGETHER TO PROVIDE CAMPERS WITH AN OPPORTUNITY FOR GROWTH? * WHAT DID YOU OBSERVE IN OUR CAMPERS DURING YOUR WEEK REGARDING ENGAGEMENT IN THE PROGRAM AND WITH OTHERS? * WHAT DID YOU OBSERVE DURING YOUR WEEK THAT EITHER ADDED TO OR TOOK AWAY FROM THE SHARED SENSE OF BELONGING THAT OUR FAMILY CAMP IS KNOWN FOR? * WHAT IS ONE THING THAT YOU BELIEVE COULD OR SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE THAT WOULD HAVE MADE FOR AN EVEN BETTER WEEK OF CAMP? * INCIDENT REPORTING - IF APPLICABLE From time to time there are incidents or interactions that have a negative impact on individual campers or their families. If you are aware of any such matters please take a minute to briefly describe what occurred and provide any comments on how it was addressed and / or resolved. PLEASE RATE YOUR EXPERIENCE OVERALL WITH CAMP OSHKIDEE * Were you and your family blessed by your time on site? Did you experience spiritual growth and renewal? Did you enjoy some rest and relaxation? Did you strengthen bonds with family and friends? Terrible Bad Okay Good Excellent PLEASE RATE YOUR EXPERIENCE WITH OUR ONLINE REGISTRATION + COMMUNICATION * Was our website easy to navigate? Were your questions answered to your satisfaction and in a timely manner? Did you feel well prepared for your time at camp? Terrible bad Okay Good Excellent PLEASE RATE YOUR EXPERIENCE WITH OUR FACILITIES * Were your accommodations clean upon arrival? Were you comfortable in the space? Was everything in good working order and state of repair? Was the kitchen well-equipped for your needs? Were the common areas cleaned to your satisfaction daily? Terrible Bad Okay Good Excellent PLEASE RATE YOUR EXPERIENCE WITH OUR AMENITIES * Was there something for everyone in your family to enjoy? Did you feel that you had equal opportunity to utilize the watercraft, play structures, yard games etc? Terrible Bad Okay Good Excellent PLEASE RATE YOUR EXPERIENCE WITH OUR FOOD SERVICES * Did you enjoy the meals? Was there enough variety? Were the portion sizes appropriate? Was everything cooked to your satisfaction? Terrible Bad Okay Good Excellent TELL US MORE Any additional information about your ratings would be greatly appreciated! HOW LIKELY ARE YOU TO ATTEND FAMILY CAMP IN THE FUTURE? * Not at all likely Undecided Very likely HOW LIKELY ARE YOU TO RECOMMEND FAMILY CAMP TO OTHERS? * Not at all likely Undecided Very likely HOW LIKELY ARE YOU TO RECOMMEND OUR FACILITIES TO OTHER GROUPS? * Our facilities are available for private leasing opportunities throughout the year! Not at all likely Undecided Very likely WHAT DO YOU FEEL ARE THE KEY FACTORS THAT CONTRIBUTE TO THE SUCCESS AND ONGOING GROWTH OF THE CAMP OSHKIDEE MINISTRY? * WHAT ARE THE CAMP OSHKIDEE "ESSENTIALS" THAT YOU FEEL NEED TO BE MAINTAINED AS WE LOOK TO THE FUTURE OF MINISTRY? * WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU LIKE TO PROVIDE TO THE FAMILY CAMP COMMITTEE AND / OR THE BOARD? * RECRUITMENT OPPORTUNITY * Periodically our Board and Family Camp Committee are in need of new recruits. Please indicate to us if one of these areas of service are of interest to you. I would be interested in becoming an Oshkidee Board Member My spouse and I would be interested in joining the Family Camp Committee This is not an area that I feel called to serve in at this time IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE WITH US? Thank you!