No matter the season, our secluded retreat is the perfect escape to experience the beauty of God’s creation. From vibrant spring colors to the peaceful stillness of winter, enjoy scenic walking trails and a stunning blue waterfront, year-round.
0-3 Nights: $30 / camper or $900 minimum daily charge for groups smaller than 30
4+ Nights: $30 / camper or $850 minimum daily charge for groups smaller than 28
Access to the Lodge, Chalet, Meewasinota + Tuck Hut
Check-in is 12:00PM
Check-out is 12:00PM
Early check-in / Late check-out:
0-3 Nights: $450
4+ Nights: $425
East “Birches” 4-Plex Cabins (Chalet Adjacent):
0-6 Nights: $175
West “Poplars” 4-Plex Cabins (Lodge Adjacent):
0-6 Nights: $175
Daily camper rates apply to all guests on site regardless of whether or not they spend the night
Absolutely NO pets permitted on site
Absolutely NO alcohol or recreational drugs permitted on site
Smoking is permitted ONLY at the fire pit
Lease groups are responsible for cleaning the facilities which must be completed prior to departure and within your booked time slot - you cannot stay late or send in a cleaning crew the following day unless you have paid for access to the facility during that time
We are located in bear country! ALL outdoor garbages / recycling must be emptied before nightfall and stored within the garbage building beside the Chalet for the duration of your stay and is to be taken with you off site upon departure
Cleaning products and paper products are provided on site
We do not currently offer catering - our facilities are equipped with an industrial kitchen in the Chalet and a smaller kitchen in the Lodge which are available for you to use and are stocked with standard cookware / utensils
Please be advised that our current pricing structure is subject to change without notice